Wednesday, October 08, 2008

One Month - Many Adventures

In the month since my last post I have had so many adventures on the east coast, the west coast and with friends. Below are just a few pics to share the happy times.

Car Wash to raise money for the Community

First O's game since I went with Chris - thank goodness for good friends to share the day with!
Another golf tournament - what great teammates - this was their version of helping me read the green!
Both of our golf tournament foursomes - did I mention there were margaritas on the course!
San Diego sunset in La Jolla
San Diego TOYA event
Camping in beautiful Frederick, MD

Going with other Jaycees to Gaithersburg to help kids in the community paint pumpkins gearing up for the Fall!
After this past month...even the cats are exhausted!

But despite all of the trips and all of the adventures - sometimes you need a little sign from above.....I got off the airport shuttle at BWI in the Long Term lot, turned around and saw this in the sky welcoming me home again!

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